TEENTANGO: A Unique Experience
Based on a great interest in the tango as a music, dance and culture we have developed these workshops. We find a special didactic potentiel in the tango as communication and as a powerful cultural experience.
Try to Play Tango (3hrs)
This is a workshop where the students get the opportunity to play with real tango musicians.
It is a special possibility to get acquainted with the genre and to play in a big tango orchestra. We will provide scores of our own arrangements of classical tangos along with videos so that the teachers and the students are able to prepare the workshop.
We have scores at different scales of difficulty.
We adapt the scores to instruments which are not typical for the tango.
This workshop can be done in Spanish, English, Italian and Danish.
Try to Dance Tango (1,5hr)
TRY TO DANCE TANGO is a festive workshop, where the students will have fun and be challenged by the sophisticated dance. They will learn the basic concepts and steps and have an exiting group experience. This workshop is focused on developing the body language and we will practice different ways to communicate through the dance.
This workshop can be done in Spanish, English, Italian and Danish.
Argentina Today (1,5hrs)
In the workshop ARGENTINA TODAY the whole orchestra will participate in the presentation, and the students will get to know the Argentinean society seen from a young person’s perspective. The idea is that they get curious about the foreign culture and to give them a totally other picture of Argentina that the one from the books. Part of the workshop is done in groups with the members of the orchestra. This might be the first time your students get the opportunity to speak Spanish with a native!
This workshop is in Spanish and intended for beginners as advanced students.
Material will be provided to prepare the students.
The History of Tango (1,5hrs)
THE HISTORY OF TANGO provides insight into a seductive music, dance and poetry, which yours students are probably not very familiar with. We will make it relevant by comparing with contemporary pop and - rock culture and thereby let the students get a feeling of how art, history and culture are connected.
This workshop is in Spanish and intended for advanced students.
Material will be provided to prepare the students.
The Poetry of Tango (1,5hrs)
THE POETRY OF TANGO provides insight into a dramatic poetry and culture, which yours students are probably not very familiar with. We will make it relevant by comparing with contemporary pop and - rock lyrics and thereby let the students get a feeling of how art, history and culture are connected.
This workshop is in Spanish and intended for advanced students.
Material will be provided to prepare the students.